Implemented db backend base, added UI features

This commit is contained in:
Max 2023-05-18 20:15:31 +02:00
parent 66acd6a1c2
commit 24d62d79dc
11 changed files with 147 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ namespace SharpRss
public static class FeedCache
private static readonly Dictionary<string, Feed> CachedFeeds = new Dictionary<string, Feed>();
public static async Task<Feed> GetFeed(string urlKey)
Log.Verbose("Fetching feed: {UrlKey}", urlKey);
@ -33,9 +32,11 @@ namespace SharpRss
feedUrl = urls.First().Url;
Feed feed = await FeedReader.ReadAsync(feedUrl);
if (feed == null)
if (feed != null)
Log.Warning("Could not get feed: {FeedUrl}", feedUrl);
CachedFeeds.Add(urlKey, feed);
CachedFeeds[feedUrl] = feed;
return feed;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System;
using ToolQit.Extensions;
namespace SharpRss.Models
@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ namespace SharpRss.Models
public string Name { get; set; }
public string HexColor { get; set; }
public string PathIcon { get; set; }
public string CategoryId { get; private set; }

View File

@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ namespace SharpRss.Models
public FeedModel(Feed feed)
public FeedModel(string rssFeedUrl, CategoryModel? category = null)
if (category != null)
CategoryId = category.CategoryId;
FeedId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Url = feed.Link;
FeedUrl = rssFeedUrl;
public string Url { get; set; }
public string FeedUrl { get; set; }
public string FeedId { get; private set; }
public string CategoryId { get; set; } = "";
@ -23,29 +25,11 @@ namespace SharpRss.Models
FeedModel feedModel = new FeedModel()
Url = url,
FeedUrl = url,
FeedId = feedId,
CategoryId = categoryId
return feedModel;
//private readonly Task _fetchTask;
//public async Task FetchAsync() => _feed = await FeedCache.GetFeed(Url);
/*private Feed? _feed;
public Feed Base {
if (_feed == null)
if (_fetchTask.IsFaulted)
{ return new Feed(); }
if (_fetchTask.Status is not (TaskStatus.Running or TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation))
return _feed ?? new Feed();

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ using SharpRss.Models;
namespace SharpRss.Services
public class DatabaseService : IDisposable
internal class DatabaseService : IDisposable
private string _connectionString => $"Data Source={Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "sharp_rss.db")};";
internal DatabaseService()
@ -24,22 +24,11 @@ namespace SharpRss.Services
bool result = true;
/*var queryResult = await _sqlConn.QueryAsync("SELECT * FROM category_data WHERE name=@catName", new { catName = category.Name });
var enumerable = queryResult.ToList();
if (queryResult != null && enumerable.Any()) // Category already exists!
result = false;*/
foreach (var categoryModel in categories)
await _sqlConn.QueryAsync("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO category_data (name, hex_color, category_id) VALUES(@catName, @hexColor, @categoryId)",
new { catName = categoryModel.Name, hexColor = categoryModel.HexColor, categoryId = categoryModel.CategoryId });
await _sqlConn.QueryAsync("INSERT INTO category_data (name, hex_color, path_icon, category_id) VALUES(@catName, @hexColor, @pathIcon, @categoryId) ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET hex_color=@hexColor, path_icon=@pathIcon",
new { catName = categoryModel.Name, hexColor = categoryModel.HexColor, pathIcon = categoryModel.PathIcon, categoryId = categoryModel.CategoryId });
/*if (result)
if (createResult.Any()) // Did not create the category
result = false;
return result;
@ -50,7 +39,7 @@ namespace SharpRss.Services
foreach (var feedModel in feeds)
await _sqlConn.QueryAsync("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO feed_data(url, feed_id, category_id) VALUES(@url, @feedId, @categoryId)", new { url = feedModel.Url, feedId = feedModel.FeedId, categoryId = feedModel.CategoryId });
await _sqlConn.QueryAsync("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO feed_data(url, feed_id, category_id) VALUES(@url, @feedId, @categoryId) ON CONFLICT(url) DO UPDATE SET category_id=@categoryId", new { url = feedModel.FeedUrl, feedId = feedModel.FeedId, categoryId = feedModel.CategoryId });
return result;
@ -90,14 +79,14 @@ namespace SharpRss.Services
Log.Verbose("Checking database...");
var queryResponse = await _sqlConn.QueryAsync("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS category_data (name STRING NOT NULL, hex_color STRING NOT NULL, category_id STRING PRIMARY KEY)");
var queryResponse = await _sqlConn.QueryAsync("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS category_data (name STRING NOT NULL, hex_color STRING NOT NULL, path_icon STRING, category_id STRING PRIMARY KEY, CONSTRAINT name UNIQUE (name))");
if (queryResponse.Any())
throw new SqliteException("Error initializing database!", 0);
queryResponse = await _sqlConn.QueryAsync("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feed_data (url STRING NOT NULL, feed_id STRING PRIMARY KEY, category_id STRING DEFAULT '')");
queryResponse = await _sqlConn.QueryAsync("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feed_data (url STRING NOT NULL, feed_id STRING PRIMARY KEY, category_id STRING NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CONSTRAINT url, UNIQUE (url))");
if (queryResponse.Any())

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CodeHollow.FeedReader;
using SharpRss.Models;
using ToolQit.Extensions;
namespace SharpRss.Services
@ -11,64 +14,76 @@ namespace SharpRss.Services
public RssService()
_dbService = new DatabaseService();
private readonly DatabaseService _dbService;
private readonly DatabaseService _dbService = new DatabaseService();
private async void Initialize()
private async void SetupTestCategoriesAndFeedsAsync()
//HashSet<CategoryModel> categoryModels = await _dbService.GetCategoriesAsync();
await _dbService.AddCategoriesAsync(new HashSet<CategoryModel>()
new CategoryModel() { Name = "All" },
new CategoryModel() { Name = "RSS" },
new CategoryModel() { Name = "Tech" },
new CategoryModel() { Name = "News" }
await _dbService.AddFeedsAsync(new HashSet<FeedModel>()
new FeedModel(""),
new FeedModel(""),
new FeedModel(""),
new FeedModel("")
public async Task<HashSet<object>> GetAllAsync()
public async Task<Feed> GetFeedAsync(string rssUrl)
return await FeedCache.GetFeed(rssUrl);
public async Task<HashSet<object>> GetAllUnsortedAsync()
HashSet<object> items = new HashSet<object>();
var categories = await _dbService.GetCategoriesAsync();
var feeds = await _dbService.GetFeedsAsync(string.Empty);
return items;
public async Task<HashSet<CategoryModel>> GetCategoriesAsync()
return new HashSet<CategoryModel>();
var result = await _dbService.GetCategoriesAsync();
return result.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToHashSet();
public async Task<HashSet<FeedModel>> GetFeedsAsync(CategoryModel? categoryModel = null)
HashSet<FeedModel> feeds = new HashSet<FeedModel>();
HashSet<FeedModel> feeds;
if (categoryModel != null)
// Get feeds from the category.
feeds = await _dbService.GetFeedsAsync(categoryModel.CategoryId);
// Get all the feeds.
feeds = await _dbService.GetFeedsAsync();
return feeds;
public async void AddCategoryAsync(string name)
public async void AddCategoryAsync(string name, string? icon, string hexColor)
public async void AddFeedAsync(string rssUrl)
CategoryModel categoryModel = new CategoryModel()
/*private static HashSet<FeedModel> feedSet = new HashSet<FeedModel>()
new FeedModel(""),
new FeedModel(""),
Name = name
private static HashSet<FeedModel> feedSet2 = new HashSet<FeedModel>()
new FeedModel(""),
new FeedModel("")
if (icon != null)
categoryModel.PathIcon = icon;
if (!hexColor.IsNullEmptyWhiteSpace())
categoryModel.HexColor = hexColor;
await _dbService.AddCategoriesAsync(new HashSet<CategoryModel>() { categoryModel });
/*HashSet<CategoryModel> set = new HashSet<CategoryModel>()
public async void AddFeedAsync(string rssUrl, CategoryModel? category = null)
new CategoryModel("RSS", feedSet),
new CategoryModel("Tech", feedSet2)
FeedModel feedModel = new FeedModel(rssUrl, category);
await _dbService.AddFeedsAsync(new HashSet<FeedModel>() { feedModel });

View File

@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SharpRss.Models;
namespace WebSharpRSS.Models
public class FeedStateContainer
public HashSet<FeedModel> Feeds { get; set; }
public event Action StateChanged;
public void SetValue(HashSet<FeedModel> feedSet)
public TreeItemData? TreeItem { get; set; }
public event Action? StateChanged;
public void SetValue(TreeItemData treeItemSet)
Feeds = feedSet;
TreeItem = treeItemSet;

View File

@ -3,32 +3,33 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using CodeHollow.FeedReader;
using MudBlazor;
using Serilog;
using SharpRss.Models;
using SharpRss.Services;
using ToolQit;
namespace WebSharpRSS.Models
public class TreeItemData
public TreeItemData(CategoryModel catModel)
public TreeItemData(CategoryModel catModel, RssService rssService)
_service = rssService;
CategoryModel = catModel;
//Feeds = CategoryModel.Feeds.Where(x => x.Base != null).Select(x => new TreeItemData(x)).ToHashSet();
Title = CategoryModel.Name;
Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.RssFeed;
public TreeItemData(FeedModel feedModel)
public TreeItemData(FeedModel feedModel, RssService rssService)
_service = rssService;
FeedModel = feedModel;
//Feed = FeedModel.Base;
Title = Feed.Title;
string faviconAddress = Feed.Link.Remove(Feed.Link.IndexOf("http", StringComparison.Ordinal), Feed.Link.IndexOf("://", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 3);
FaviconUrl = string.Format(Caretaker.Settings["Paths"].GetString("FaviconResolveUrl"), faviconAddress);
private readonly RssService _service;
public readonly CategoryModel? CategoryModel;
public readonly FeedModel? FeedModel;
private HashSet<FeedModel> _feedModels;
public string Title { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public bool IsSelected { get; set; }
@ -36,11 +37,11 @@ namespace WebSharpRSS.Models
public string? FaviconUrl { get; set; }
// Category
public bool HasChild => Feeds != null;
public bool HasChild => _feedModels != null && _feedModels.Any();
public bool IsExpanded { get; set; }
public HashSet<TreeItemData>? Feeds { get; set; }
// Feed
public Feed? Feed { get; set; }
public Feed? Feed { get; private set; }
public int FeeditemCount
@ -60,5 +61,35 @@ namespace WebSharpRSS.Models
return 0;
private async void Initialize()
if (CategoryModel != null)
Title = CategoryModel.Name;
Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Category;
_feedModels = await _service.GetFeedsAsync(CategoryModel);
if (_feedModels.Any())
Feeds = _feedModels.Select(x => new TreeItemData(x, _service)).OrderBy(x => x.Title).ToHashSet();
if (FeedModel != null)
Feed = await _service.GetFeedAsync(FeedModel.FeedUrl);
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error(e, "Error fetching feed: {FeedUrl}", FeedModel.FeedUrl);
Feed = null;
Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.RssFeed;
Title = Feed.Title;
string faviconAddress = Feed.Link.Remove(Feed.Link.IndexOf("http", StringComparison.Ordinal), Feed.Link.IndexOf("://", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 3);
FaviconUrl = string.Format(Caretaker.Settings["Paths"].GetString("FaviconResolveUrl"), faviconAddress);

View File

@ -4,13 +4,11 @@
@using WebSharpRSS.Models;
@using SharpRss.Services
@inject RssService _rssService;
@*@inject RssService _rssService;*@
@inject FeedStateContainer _stateContainer;
<MudGrid Spacing="3" Justify="Justify.FlexStart">
@if (Feeds != null)
foreach (var feedItem in _items)
@foreach (var feedItem in _items)
<MudItem xs="6">
@ -22,15 +20,12 @@
@code {
public HashSet<FeedModel>? Feeds { get; set; }
private HashSet<FeedItem> _items = new HashSet<FeedItem>();
protected override async void OnInitialized()
protected override void OnInitialized()
_stateContainer.StateChanged += FeedsChanged;
@ -43,11 +38,17 @@
private void UpdateFeeds()
Feeds = _stateContainer.Feeds;
if (Feeds == null) return;
foreach (var feedmodel in Feeds)
if (_stateContainer.TreeItem == null) return;
if (_stateContainer.TreeItem.Feed != null)
_items = _stateContainer.TreeItem.Feed.Items.ToHashSet();
if (_stateContainer.TreeItem.Feeds != null)
//_items = feedmodel.Base.Items.OrderBy(x => x.PublishingDate).Reverse().ToHashSet();
_items = new HashSet<FeedItem>();
foreach (var itemData in _stateContainer.TreeItem.Feeds)
if (itemData.Feed == null) continue;

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using MudBlazor;
using MudBlazor.Services;
using Serilog;
using SharpRss;
using SharpRss.Models;
using SharpRss.Services;
using ToolQit;
using WebSharpRSS;
@ -13,12 +11,12 @@ using WebSharpRSS.Models;
Log.Information("Starting application....");
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddMudServices(config =>

View File

@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
@inject RssService _rssService
<MudStack Spacing="2">
<MudTreeView Items="GuideItems" @bind-SelectedValue="SelectedItem" Hover="true">
<MudTreeView Items="_guideItems" @bind-SelectedValue="SelectedItem" Hover="true">
<MudTreeViewItem @bind-Expanded="@context.IsExpanded" Items="@context.Feeds" Value="@context">
<MudTreeViewItem @bind-Expanded="@context.IsExpanded" Items="@context.Feeds" Value="@context" CanExpand="@context.HasChild" @onclick="ItemClicked">
<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr auto; align-items: center; width: 100%">
<div style="justify-self: start;" class="d-flex align-center">
<MudTreeViewItemToggleButton @bind-Expanded="@context.IsExpanded" Visible="@context.HasChild" />
<MudTreeViewItemToggleButton @bind-Expanded="@context.IsExpanded" Visible="@context.HasChild" LoadingIconColor="Color.Info"/>
@if (context.FaviconUrl.IsNullEmptyWhiteSpace() && context.Icon != null)
<MudIcon Icon="@context.Icon"/>
<MudIcon Icon="@context.Icon" Style="@($"color:{context.CategoryModel?.HexColor ?? Theme.Palette.Primary.Value}")"/>
@ -39,36 +39,30 @@
@code {
public HashSet<TreeItemData> GuideItems = new HashSet<TreeItemData>();
private TreeItemData? _selecteditem;
private MudTheme Theme = new MudTheme();
private readonly HashSet<TreeItemData> _guideItems = new HashSet<TreeItemData>();
private TreeItemData? _selectedItem;
private TreeItemData? SelectedItem
get => _selecteditem;
get => _selectedItem;
_selecteditem = value;
_selectedItem = value;
private void ItemClicked()
if (SelectedItem == null) return;
if (SelectedItem.FeedModel != null)
_stateContainer.SetValue(new HashSet<FeedModel>() { SelectedItem.FeedModel });
if (SelectedItem.Feeds != null)
protected override async void OnInitialized()
Log.Verbose("Loading guide data...");
/*HashSet<CategoryModel> cats = await _rssService.GetAllAsync();
await Task.Run(() => Categories.UnionWith(cats.Select(x => new TreeItemData(x)).ToHashSet()));*/
HashSet<object> items = await _rssService.GetAllUnsortedAsync();
_guideItems.UnionWith(items.Select(x => x is CategoryModel model ? new TreeItemData(model, _rssService) : x is FeedModel feedModel ? new TreeItemData(feedModel, _rssService) : throw new ArgumentException("Arg x is invalid!")));
Log.Verbose(" Guide initialized!");
//await Task.Run(() => Categories = cats.Select(x => new TreeItemData(x)).ToHashSet());

Binary file not shown.