using System.Reflection; using DotBased.AspNet.Authority.Attributes; using DotBased.AspNet.Authority.Crypto; using DotBased.AspNet.Authority.Models.Options; using DotBased.AspNet.Authority.Repositories; using DotBased.AspNet.Authority.Validators; using DotBased.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; namespace DotBased.AspNet.Authority.Managers; public partial class AuthorityManager( IOptions options, IServiceProvider services, ICryptographer cryptographer, IUserRepository userRepository, IRoleRepository roleRepository, IPasswordHasher passwordHasher) { private readonly ILogger _logger = LogService.RegisterLogger(); public IServiceProvider Services { get; } = services; public AuthorityOptions Options { get; } = options.Value; public ICryptographer Cryptographer { get; } = cryptographer; public IUserRepository UserRepository { get; } = userRepository; public IRoleRepository RoleRepository { get; } = roleRepository; public IPasswordHasher PasswordHasher { get; } = passwordHasher; public IEnumerable PasswordValidators { get; } = []; public IEnumerable UserValidators { get; } = []; public long GenerateVersion() => DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); /// /// Protect or unprotect the properties with the /// /// The data model /// True for protect false for unprotect. /// The class with the properties to protect. public async Task HandlePropertyProtection(TModel data, bool protection) { var props = GetProtectedPropertiesValues(data); if (props.Count == 0) { return; } var handledProperties = 0; foreach (var property in props) { if (property.PropertyType != typeof(string)) { _logger.Warning("Property({PropName}) with type: {PropType} detected, encrypting only supports strings! Skipping property!", property.Name, property.PropertyType); continue; } string? cryptString; if (protection) { cryptString = await Cryptographer.EncryptAsync(property.GetValue(data)?.ToString() ?? string.Empty); } else { cryptString = await Cryptographer.DecryptAsync(property.GetValue(data)?.ToString() ?? string.Empty); } if (cryptString == null) { _logger.Warning("{Protection} failed for property {PropName}", protection ? "Encryption" : "Decryption", property.Name); continue; } property.SetValue(data, cryptString); handledProperties++; } _logger.Debug("{HandledPropCount}/{TotalPropCount} protection properties handled!", handledProperties, props.Count); } public bool IsPropertyProtected(string propertyName) { var protectedProperties = GetProtectedProperties(); var propertyFound = protectedProperties.Where(propInfo => propInfo.Name == propertyName); return propertyFound.Any(); } public List GetProtectedPropertiesValues(TModel model) { var protectedProperties = GetProtectedProperties(); return protectedProperties.Count != 0 ? protectedProperties : []; } public List GetProtectedProperties() => typeof(TModel).GetProperties().Where(p => Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(ProtectAttribute))).ToList(); }