using Serilog;
namespace DotBased.Logging.Serilog;
public static class BasedSerilog
/// Default output template with the extra properties that can be used for serilog sinks.
public const string OutputTemplate = "[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} - {Caller}->{Assembly}] | {Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}";
public static LoggerConfiguration UseBasedExtension(this LoggerConfiguration loggerConfiguration)
loggerConfiguration.Enrich.FromLogContext().Enrich.With(new BasedSerilogEnricher());
return loggerConfiguration;
/// The extra properties this implementation adds to serilog
public static class ExtraProperties
public const string AssemblyProp = "Assembly";
public const string SourceProp = "Source";
public const string CallerProp = "Caller";